
Here you will find a number of resources and articles for download, from details of projects conducted by ISI to technical explanations and comparisons of spectroscopic techniques. In these downloads, we explain how our spectrometers achieve such high etendue compared to standard instruments and how effective they are for collecting difficult measurements.

There are also some published articles describing ground-breaking applications of spectroscopy and LIDAR in the fields of Nuclear Decommissioning, Oil & Gas, and Steel manufacturing.

This section will continue to be updated with new and relevant information. Any questions relating to these articles should be sent to

Demonstration of a compact deep UV Raman spatial heterodyne spectrometer

Remote sensing of chemical agents within nuclear facilities using Raman spectroscopy

Flash LIDAR Simulation Tool

High Etendue Low Light Raman Spectrometer For Identification Of Liquids

High-Temperature Probes For 3D Measurement Of Corrosion In Metal Processing

Imaging LIDAR Development For Landing On Mars

Application of Raman Spectrometer

It’s all about throughput

Photon Counting Spectrometer For Detection of Dimethyl Sulphide

TATA Steel – LIDAR project

HES Spectrometer – description and specification

SNR of HES spectrometer vs Czerny Turner instrument

HES 2000 vs Czerny Turner – experimental comparison

Why Transmission Raman? With example spectra.

Optics Express article: Stand-off Raman spectrometer for identification of liquids in pressurized gas pipelines

Experimental investigation of a new 3mm fibre compatible Raman spectrometer (HES 2003) – Part 1

Experimental investigation of a new 3 mm fibre compatible Raman Spectrometer (HES 2003) – Part 2

Experimental investigation of a new 3 mm fibre compatible Raman spectrometer (HES 2003) – Part 3

Experimental demonstration of throughput advantage of a static Fourier Transform spectrometer (HES 2003) when performing Transmission and stand-off Raman observations

Miniature Spectrometer Technical Specification

ISI flyer describing our range of spectrometers and laser-based instrumentation

Optics Express article: Spatial-heterodyne spectrometer for transmission-Raman observations

Spectrometer spectral response correction: The effect of etaloning